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Understanding Blockchain Nodes

Light Nodes

Light Nodes

Light nodes, also known as thin clients, are nodes that don't download the whole blockchain. Instead, they only download a small part of the blockchain, typically just the headers of the blocks. This makes them lightweight and easy to use, as they don't require a lot of storage space or computing power.


Light nodes rely on full nodes to validate transactions and provide them with the necessary information. When a light node wants to validate a transaction, it sends a request to a full node. The full node then sends back the necessary information, which the light node uses to validate the transaction.


While light nodes are less secure than full nodes, they are still a valuable part of the network. They allow users to interact with the blockchain without having to download the entire blockchain, which can be a time-consuming process. They are also useful for mobile devices, where storage space and computing power are limited.


Some examples of light nodes include Electrum for Bitcoin, MyEtherWallet for Ethereum, and Exodus for multiple cryptocurrencies.

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