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Creativity and the Future

The Creative Process: Ideation and Execution

Ideation and Execution

Ideation and execution are two critical components of the creative process. Ideation refers to the process of generating new and innovative ideas, while execution involves bringing those ideas to life. In order to successfully navigate the creative process, it's important to understand both ideation and execution and how they work together.


Ideation is often thought of as the brainstorming phase of the creative process. During this phase, individuals or teams generate as many ideas as possible, without worrying about whether they are feasible or not. The goal of ideation is to generate a large pool of ideas that can then be evaluated and refined later on. There are many techniques that can be used to facilitate ideation, such as mind mapping, brainstorming, and SCAMPER (which stands for Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to another use, Eliminate, and Rearrange).


Once a pool of ideas has been generated, it's time to move on to the execution phase. This is where the focus shifts from generating ideas to bringing them to life. Execution involves taking the best ideas from the ideation phase and developing them into something tangible. This can involve prototyping, testing, and refining ideas until they are ready to be launched. Execution requires a different set of skills than ideation, such as project management, design, and development.

Example: Google

One example of a company that has successfully navigated the creative process of ideation and execution is Google. The company is known for its culture of innovation, which encourages employees to generate new ideas and experiment with them. Google uses a variety of tools and techniques to facilitate ideation, such as design sprints and hackathons. Once ideas have been generated, Google has a streamlined process for execution, which involves prototyping and testing ideas before releasing them to the public.

Overall, the creative process is a complex and iterative one, involving both ideation and execution. By understanding how these two components work together, individuals and teams can successfully navigate the process and bring their ideas to life.

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