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Exploring the Concept of Duality

The Dualistic Cosmos of Gnosticism


Gnosticism is a complex religious and philosophical movement that originated in the Middle East in the first and second centuries CE. One of the central tenets of Gnosticism is the belief in a dualistic cosmos, in which the material world is seen as imperfect and corrupt, while the spiritual or divine realm is considered pure and perfect. This dualism is often expressed in terms of light and dark or good and evil, and Gnostics generally believe that the material world is ruled by an evil or ignorant deity known as the Demiurge, while the true God or ultimate reality is transcendent and beyond human comprehension.

Salvation and Gnosis

Gnosticism's dualistic worldview is reflected in its understanding of salvation, which involves the liberation of the soul from the material world and its ascent to the spiritual realm. The Gnostic path to salvation typically involves knowledge or gnosis, which is often presented as a secret or esoteric teaching passed down from the divine realm.

Gnostic Cosmology

Gnostic cosmology is notoriously complex and varied, with different Gnostic sects and teachers offering different accounts of the nature of the cosmos and the relationship between the material and spiritual realms. Some Gnostic systems posit a hierarchy of spiritual beings, while others emphasize the importance of the individual soul's journey towards enlightenment. Despite this diversity, however, the dualistic worldview remains a central feature of Gnostic thought and practice.

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