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Photography Principles: From Composition to Exposure

Composition Techniques

Composition Techniques

Composition is one of the most important elements of photography. It involves arranging the visual elements within a frame to create a visually appealing and engaging image. In this lesson, we will explore some composition techniques that can help you create stunning photographs.

Rule of Thirds

One of the most well-known composition techniques is the rule of thirds. The rule of thirds involves dividing the frame into thirds both horizontally and vertically, creating nine equal parts. The points where the lines intersect are where the main visual elements should be placed. This creates a more balanced and visually appealing composition.

Rule of Thirds Example

Leading Lines

Leading lines are another composition technique that can help guide the viewer's eye through the image. They can be actual lines, such as a road or a fence, or implied lines, such as the direction that a person's gaze is pointing. Leading lines can also create depth and a sense of perspective in an image.

Leading Lines Example


Framing involves using elements within the image to create a frame around the main subject. This can create a sense of depth and add interest to the image. Examples of framing elements include doorways, arches, and trees.

Framing Example


Symmetry involves creating a balanced composition by placing visual elements equally on both sides of the frame. This can create a sense of harmony and stability in the image. Examples of symmetry include reflections and patterns.

Symmetry Example

By utilizing these composition techniques, you can create visually stunning and captivating images that tell a story.

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