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The Renaissance: Leonardo da Vinci

The Vitruvian Man and Other Famous Works

Leonardo da Vinci

Vitruvian Man

One of Leonardo da Vinci's most famous works is the Vitruvian Man. This drawing depicts a naked man standing with his arms and legs extended in two different positions, with his navel at the center of a circle and his fingertips touching the circumference. The drawing is based on the writings of the ancient Roman architect Vitruvius, who believed that the proportions of the human body could be used to design buildings that were both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

Last Supper

Another famous work by Leonardo da Vinci is the Last Supper. This mural painting depicts the scene from the Bible in which Jesus Christ shares a final meal with his disciples before his crucifixion. The painting is notable for its use of perspective, which creates the illusion that the room is larger than it actually is.


In addition to his art, Leonardo da Vinci also made significant contributions to the fields of science and engineering. He designed flying machines, military weapons, and hydraulic pumps, among other things. He was particularly interested in the human body, and conducted extensive anatomical studies in order to better understand how it worked.


Leonardo da Vinci's works continue to be studied and admired today, both for their beauty and their scientific significance.

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