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The Role of Suffering

Christian Perspective on Suffering

The Purpose of Suffering for Christians

  • Christians believe that suffering has a purpose and can lead to spiritual growth, similar to how physical exercise and training can lead to physical growth.
  • Many Christians believe that suffering can help bring them closer to God and can help them develop a deeper sense of compassion for others.
  • The Bible contains many stories of people who experienced suffering, including Job, who lost everything he had and was afflicted with physical illness, and Jesus, who suffered on the cross.

The Doctrine of Atonement

  • One of the most important aspects of the Christian perspective on suffering is the belief that Jesus suffered on the cross to redeem humanity.
  • Christians believe that through Jesus' suffering, death, and resurrection, they can be forgiven for their sins and reconciled with God.

God and Suffering

  • Christians also believe that suffering is not something that God wants for his people, but rather a result of living in a fallen and imperfect world.
  • Christians believe that God can bring good out of suffering and that he can use it to shape and mold people into the image of Christ.
  • Many Christians also believe that suffering can be a test of faith and that it can help people grow in their trust and dependency on God.

Coping with Suffering

  • Christians have developed various practices and rituals to help them cope with suffering.
  • These practices include prayer, meditation, reading the Bible, attending worship services, and participating in sacraments such as the Eucharist.
  • Christians also believe in the power of community and often turn to their fellow believers for support and encouragement during times of suffering.


  • The Christian perspective on suffering emphasizes the importance of trusting in God and finding meaning and purpose in the midst of difficult circumstances.
  • While suffering can be painful and challenging, Christians believe that it can ultimately lead to spiritual growth and a deeper relationship with God.
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