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The Science of Energy

Renewable Energy: Hydropower


Hydropower is a form of renewable energy that harnesses the power of flowing water to generate electricity. This is done by building a dam to create a reservoir of water, which is then channeled through large pipes to spin turbines that generate electricity. Hydropower is a clean and reliable source of energy, and it is one of the oldest and most widely used forms of renewable energy.

Advantages of Hydropower

  • Consistent source of energy that can be easily controlled to meet demand
  • Clean source of energy that does not produce greenhouse gases or other pollutants

Types of Hydropower Systems

  • Conventional dams: the most common type of hydropower system, involving building a large dam to create a reservoir
  • Pumped storage: use excess energy to pump water uphill, which can be released later to generate electricity when demand is high
  • Run-of-river: do not involve a dam, but instead use the natural flow of a river to generate electricity

Disadvantages of Hydropower

  • Environmental impact of building dams, which can disrupt ecosystems and alter natural waterways
  • Expensive to build and maintain
  • Not always feasible in areas with limited water resources.
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