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The Science of Stretching

Dynamic Stretching

Dynamic Stretching

Dynamic stretching is a form of stretching that involves movement. It is typically done before exercise to help warm up the muscles and prepare them for physical activity.

Difference from Static Stretching

Unlike static stretching, which involves holding a stretch for a set period of time, dynamic stretching involves actively moving through a range of motion. This can include exercises like leg swings, walking lunges, and high knees.


Dynamic stretching has been shown to:

  • Improve flexibility
  • Increase range of motion
  • Enhance athletic performance
  • Reduce the risk of injury by increasing blood flow to the muscles and improving joint mobility.


One example of dynamic stretching is the walking lunge. To perform a walking lunge:

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Take a large step forward with your right foot and bend your right knee, lowering your body until your right thigh is parallel to the ground.
  3. As you lower your body, reach your left arm forward and your right arm back.
  4. Step forward with your left foot and repeat the lunge on the other side.

Another example of dynamic stretching is leg swings. To perform leg swings:

  1. Stand facing a wall with your hands on the wall for support.
  2. Swing your right leg forward and backward, keeping your leg straight.
  3. Swing your leg side to side, again keeping your leg straight.
  4. Repeat on the other side.

Overall, dynamic stretching is a great way to prepare your body for physical activity and reduce the risk of injury. By incorporating dynamic stretching into your warm-up routine, you can improve your flexibility, increase your range of motion, and enhance your athletic performance.

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