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Natural Family Planning with Sensiplan

Using Ovulation Prediction Kits

Ovulation Prediction Kits

Ovulation prediction kits (OPKs) are a common tool used in natural family planning to track ovulation and predict fertility. These kits work by detecting the surge in luteinizing hormone (LH) that occurs just before ovulation. Typically, a woman will start testing a few days before she expects to ovulate and continue until she gets a positive result. Once she receives a positive result, she knows that ovulation will occur within the next 12-36 hours.

Types of OPKs

There are a few different types of OPKs available, including:

  • Urine-based tests
  • Saliva-based tests

Urine-based tests are the most popular and work by detecting LH in the urine. Saliva-based tests detect changes in the levels of estrogen in saliva, which increase just before ovulation. While saliva-based tests can be more expensive and require more time and effort, they can be more accurate than urine-based tests.

Limitations of OPKs

It's important to note that OPKs are not foolproof and can produce false positives or false negatives. Factors such as irregular cycles, certain medications, and certain medical conditions can all affect the accuracy of OPKs. Additionally, some women may experience a surge in LH without actually ovulating, which can also produce a false positive.


Overall, OPKs can be a helpful tool for women who are trying to conceive or avoid pregnancy. However, they should be used in conjunction with other natural family planning methods, such as tracking basal body temperature and cervical mucus observations, to increase accuracy and effectiveness.

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