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Natural Family Planning with Sensiplan

Benefits and Risks of Natural Family Planning

Natural Family Planning with Sensiplan

Natural Family Planning (NFP) with Sensiplan is a fertility awareness-based method of birth control that can be beneficial for many couples. The method is based on tracking a woman's menstrual cycle using various methods, such as basal body temperature, cervical mucus observations, and ovulation prediction kits.

Benefits of NFP

One of the main benefits of NFP is that it does not involve the use of hormones or artificial devices, making it a natural and non-invasive method of birth control. This can be particularly useful for women who cannot use hormonal methods due to medical conditions or personal preferences. In addition, NFP can be used to help couples achieve pregnancy by identifying the most fertile days of a woman's cycle.

Risks of NFP

However, it is important to note that NFP does come with some risks. One of the biggest risks is the potential for unintended pregnancy if the method is not used correctly or consistently. NFP requires careful tracking and monitoring of a woman's menstrual cycle, which can be difficult and time-consuming. In addition, the effectiveness of NFP can be affected by factors such as illness, stress, or changes in routine. Finally, NFP may not be suitable for all couples and individuals, particularly those who are not comfortable with the level of personal responsibility and communication required for the method.


Despite these risks, NFP with Sensiplan can be a safe and effective method of birth control for those who are willing to learn and practice the method properly.

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Communicating with Your Partner about NFP

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