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Processors, also known as central processing units (CPUs), are the brains of modern computing devices, from smartphones and laptops to supercomputers. These chips are responsible for executing instructions and performing calculations necessary for running software applications and managing the computer's hardware resources. The importance of processors in the modern era of computing cannot be overstated, as they have evolved significantly over the years to become more powerful and efficient, enabling advancements in various fields.

Over the years, processors have undergone significant evolutions, beginning with the first generation of CPUs, which were primarily designed for simple calculations and data processing tasks. The second generation saw the introduction of the first integrated circuit processors, which were faster and more reliable than their predecessors. As technology continued to advance, so did the processors, and by the fifth generation, processors became capable of executing complex tasks such as artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Today, we have multiple types of processors such as microprocessors, graphic processing units (GPUs), and field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), each tailored for specific tasks such as general computing, graphics processing, and specialized computing applications, respectively. Processors enable various computing tasks such as running software applications, processing data, connecting to the internet, and more, making them critical components of modern computing.

8 Courses

Deep Dive: x86 and ARM

10 units

This course will provide a comprehensive understanding of x86 and ARM architectures from a low-level perspective. Students will learn about the inner workings of these popular processor architectures and how they are used in modern computing.

Evolution of Processors

10 units

This course will take you through a journey of the evolution of processors, from the earliest computers to modern-day technology. You will learn about the different types of processors and their impact on technology and society.

Introduction to Computer Architecture

10 units

This course is designed to provide an overview of computer architecture, including the organization and design of computer systems. Students will learn about the fundamental concepts and principles of computer architecture and how they can be applied to develop efficient and effective computer systems.

Introduction to Field Programmable Gate Arrays

10 units

This course is designed for students with no prior knowledge of field programmable gate arrays. The course will cover the basics of FPGAs, including their architecture, programming, and applications.

Introduction to Instruction Set Architectures

10 units

This course provides an introduction to the basic concepts of instruction set architectures, including the design and implementation of instruction sets, addressing modes, and instruction formats.

Introduction to Quantum Computing

10 units

This course is designed to provide an introduction to the field of quantum computing, covering both the theoretical foundations and practical applications of this emerging technology. Students will learn about the principles of quantum mechanics, quantum algorithms, and quantum hardware architectures, and gain hands-on experience with programming quantum computers.

Introduction to Semiconductors

10 units

This course is designed to provide an overview of semiconductors and their applications in modern electronics. The course will cover the basics of semiconductor physics and the principles of semiconductor device operation.

Introduction to Tensor Processing Units

10 units

This course provides an introduction to Tensor Processing Units (TPUs), which are specialized hardware accelerators for machine learning workloads. The course starts with the basics of machine learning and neural networks, and then covers the architecture of TPUs, their programming model, and how to use them for training and inference.

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